viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2008


Fiorella turned a quarter of a century!
(young folk)

Sassy deer on campus.

my weekend

domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2008

white album concert

currently listening: sexy sadie, the beatles.

resplendent: having brilliant color, beauty.

i missed the feeling of closeness/amazingness/fucking efervescent living bursting flowing serotonin brimming in such close quarters. The intimacy of a good concert, blue lights, small stage, alcohol, smoke, and a classic album from beggining to end.
I have never really been the biggest beatles fan, but this event has made me place the beatles White Album somewhere so close to my heart, i will always remember what was evoked friday night, and how perfect it was, how everything unraveled. From the cheap but incredible wine to the taxi ride, and the 10 soles paid at the door, and how we got there just in time for everything to start even if we were an hour late and how they played the entire album from start to finish and everyone in unison and elation when a favorite song started and the grabbing of arms, and all of us in synch and in tune with each of each other frequencies and voices saying It really all starts with Dear Prudence we say, we couldnt agree more and everyone belting the lyrics and it is so out of tune and so loud, and so perfect.
It is such a rollercoaster, the ups and downs we hear, but my favorite moment was when the band played Sexy Sadie and the world was waiting just for you being sung by everyone all at once and the piano in the beggining and then Long, long, long starting with all its sadness and everyone swaying from side to side.

i scribbled this when i got home, before passing out. what a deliciously wonderful, beautiful night it was.

wine and cigarettes and music and wine and a taxi ride and the entire beatles white album live and in concert and blue blue lights and shared beer in plastic cups and just exactly enough change to get home before 4 in the morning skies.